to get the details of the http request you need to make use of the class illuminate\http\request.
使用上面的类,您将能够从http请求中获取输入、cookies和文件。现在考虑以下表单 -
to get all the details from the http request you can do as follows −
example 1的翻译为:示例 1using $request->all() method
once you submit it will retrieve all the input data and return an array with data.
public function validateform(request $request) { $input = $request->all(); print_r($input);}
输出the output of the above code is −
array ( [_token] => 367oq9dozmwlnhu6sss9ivhn7xwa6ykpsnnwrbxx [name] => rasika desai [email] => [age] => 20 [address] => pune)
example 2的中文翻译为:示例2using $request->collect() method.
this method will return the data as a collection.
public function validateform(request $request) { $input = $request->collect(); print_r($input);}
输出the output of the above code is −
illuminate\support\collection object ( [items:protected] => array( [_token] => 367oq9dozmwlnhu6sss9ivhn7xwa6ykpsnnwrbxx [name] => rasika desai [email] => [age] => 20 [address] => pune ) [escapewhencastingtostring:protected] =>)
example 3使用 $request->getcontent() 方法。
public function validateform(request $request) { $input = $request->getcontent(); echo $input;}
输出the output of the above code is
example 4使用 php://input
$data = file_get_contents('php://input');print_r($data);
输出the output of the above code is −